Fontes Consulting

30+ years of experience

Fontes consulting provides services within project development, project management and planning.

Sigurður sigurðsson

Fontes consulting

Fontes Consulting is led by its founder, Sigurður Sigurðsson, who holds an MSc in civil engineering and is the former CEO of Iceland Drilling Company.

Based on the founder’s experience in the geothermal and general contracting industry for more than 35 years, Fontes provides services within project development, project management, and planning.

Fontes assists project owners, company boards and management in making the right decisions for their projects.

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With years of experience Fontes is able to provide extensive consulting in project management, project planning and civil engineering. 

Sigurður Sigurðsson, the founder of Fontes, has served as the CEO of Colas Ísland, Steypustöðin (an Icelandic concrete company), Íslenskir Aðalverktakar (Icelandic Prime Contractors), and most recently as the CEO of Jarðboranir (Iceland Drilling Company) from 2016 to 2022. Fontes consulting began operations in January 2023.

Let Fontes guide you towards the right solution for your needs.

You are not alone

Fontes is with you all the way


Every company has a unique set of challenges, complexities and demands. Fontes helps you identify them.


Planning is vital. Through planning, Fontes helps you find the right approach for better results.

Research & analysis

Finding the right strategy is important. That’s why we focus on research and analysis.


Results of the highest caliber. Fontes delivers consolidated findings and results that you can trust.

Take the first step

Contact Fontes

If you have any questions on inquiries, send us a message and we will answer as soon as possible.

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